
I highlight my most relevant publications. You can visit my google scholar profile for the complete list.

  1. Ana D. Maldonado, Pedro A. Aguilera and Antonio Salmerón (2016) Continuous Bayesian networks for probabilistic environmental risk mapping. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 30, 1441-1455.
  2. Ana D. Maldonado, Pedro A. Aguilera and Antonio Salmerón (2016) Modeling zero-inflated explanatory variables in hybrid Bayesian network classifiers for species occurrence prediction. Environmental Modelling & Software 82, 31-43
  3. Ana D. Maldonado, Laura Uusitalo, Alan Tucker, Thorsten Blenckner, Pedro A. Aguilera and Antonio Salmerón (2019) Prediction of a complex system with few data: Evaluation of the effect of model structure and amount of data with dynamic bayesian network models Environmental Modelling & Software 118, 281-297
  4. Inmaculada Pérez-Bernabé, Ana D. Maldonado, Antonio Salmerón and Thomas D. Nielsen (2020) MoTBFs: An R Package for Learning Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions The R Journal 12(2), 321-341
  5. Ana D. Maldonado, Alberto Valdivielso, Alejandro Rescia and Pedro A. Aguilera (2020) Probabilistic graphical models for species richness prediction: are current protected areas effective to face climate emergency? Global Ecology and Conservation 23, e01162